NAHB Experts Advocating for the Housing Industry

The Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) manages and supervises all legal programs for NAHB and works on a diverse array of legal matters to advance NAHB’s overall mission including litigation, regulatory and advocacy matters.
The OLA’s caseload includes cases in the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Courts of Appeals, and state appellate courts.
The OLA also administers the Legal Action Fund, a service designed to assist state and local associations and their members with ongoing cases, legal education seminars on building industry-related issues to all members and affiliated HBAs, and a host of other industry-related programs.
The OLA works with NAHB committees to advance the industry’s interests relating to the risks associated with the construction of new homes and remodeling and to help the members identify, manage and minimize such risk.
You can reach an attorney on staff at [email protected].

Q&A on NAR Settlement
NAHB members have a lot of questions about the recent settlement in a case against the National Association of Realtors (NAR). See how it affects you.

The Pocket Guide to Fair Housing Accessibility App
This Pocket Guide to the Fair Housing Act (FHA) is a free app designed to help home builders, contractors, and designers comply with accessibility requirements.